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Medicina Forense

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   ORIGINAL                                                                                                                     Cuad Med Forense 2013;19(1-2):20-28

Los sistemas de investigaci�n de la muerte
innatural: coroners y medical examiners


Unnatural death investigation systems: coroners and medical examiners


JD. S�nchez P�rez


Doctor en Medicina. M�dico Forense. Jefe de Servicio de Laboratorio Forense.



La muerte innatural es investigada por las autoridades de una forma especial debido a razones legales. Hay dos modelos principales para este prop�sito; uno est� basado en la tradici�n de la Common Law, el sistema coroner, y otro en la investigaci�n del delito. El art�culo entra en detalles del sistema coroner y de su trasformaci�n, el sistema medical examiner. Finalmente, se hacen varias consideraciones sobre la investigaci�n de la muerte en Espa�a.


Palabras clave: Coroners y Medical Examiners. Legislaci�n y jurisprudencia. Medicina Forense.





Unnatural death is investigated by authorities in a special way because of legal reasons. There are two main models to this purpose; the one is based in Common Law tradition, the coroner system, and the other in the crime investigation. The paper goes into details of the coroner system and also of its transformation, the medical examiner system. Finally, several considerations are made about death investigation in Spain.


Key words: Coroners and Medical Examiners. Legislation & jurisprudence. Forensic Medicine.




� 2010  Cuadernos de Medicina Forense

Dise�o Web: A.G.C.